Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Unlock Your Hip Flexors
Hip Flexor Exercise

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Would You Like A Little Caffeine With Your Workout?

Submitted by: Jim O'Neill

Ok, I'll bet you think that was a joke, don't you? Everyone knows caffeine is supposed to be bad for you. You hear it all the time, and from a lot of different people, including doctors, so why would you want to use caffeine in conjunction with your exercise program? Before we completely dismiss the notion of caffeine as an exercise aid, consider the following.

Caffeine is one of the methyl derivatives of xanthine. Xanthines occur naturally in more than 60 plants and caffeine is the most potent of these and is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, many soft drinks and diet aids.

There is no doubt that caffeine works to help exercise performance. It is known to stimulate the central nervous system, mobilize various hormones that are involved in metabolic processes, improve muscle contraction, and improve the use of fats and carbohydrates for energy.

But, and this is a big but, how you use it is very important in whether you'll get maximum performance benefits from it so take note of the results of numerous studies on the subject of caffeine use to enhance performance in order to fully understand how caffeine use can benefit your exercise program.

Here are the findings of those studies:

1. Explosive athletes who do short duration sports such as power-lifting, sprints, ECT. Do not appear to benefit from caffeine use.

2. Endurance athletes such as long distance cyclists, runners, swimmers, ECT. Can improve their performance with caffeine use.

3. Reaction time can be improved with caffeine use.

4. The best dose of caffeine is around 3.0 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight. Below that, little performance improvement is noted and above that, there will be a performance decrement.

5. An athlete who uses caffeine after abstaining from it for several days sees improved performance.

6. Fat loss with exercise is increased when caffeine is taken prior to exercise.

7. The half life of caffeine in your system is around 6 hours and its effects are of similar duration.

8. Caffeine intake results in increased alertness, reduced drowsiness and a reduced perception of fatigue.

With the above in mind, it would seem beneficial to use caffeine before exercise. Even those involved in powerlifting and sprinting can still benefit from the improved alertness and reaction time.

Now, something to point out here is that there are those who do not respond well to caffeine. About 20% of the population will exhibit adverse effects to caffeine such as cardiac arrhythmias, excessive urination, insomnia, withdrawal headaches and a type of anxiety called "caffeineism". If you're in the 20% who experience any of these effects from caffeine use, don't use it! The benefits you get from it are not worth those side effects.

If you have ulcers you are cautioned against using caffeine because it causes a 400% increase in acid levels in the stomach.

The recommended dose of caffeine in coffee form is around two cups one hour before exercise.

The bottom line on using caffeine to help you perform better during exercise is, yes, it does have its benefits, but, it should be used wisely and only you can determine whether or not it's helping your exercise performance and if it's right for you.

About the Author: Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at: http://www.mrgymfitness.com/minicourse.php

Source: www.isnare.com
Unlock Your Hip Flexors

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Workout Routines

Submitted by: Al Parker, MD

Are Your Workout Routines Right for You?

So you’re pushing up 200lbs over your head during a military press and this young little hottie jamming with her video ipod walks by and gives you the once over. You notice her eyes kind of “stall” at your mid-section. You want to smile and say hello but you’d probably drop that weight on your head and put yourself in the hospital……so you try to squeak out a “hi” but it just turns out to be a REALLY LOUD grunt. Damn, better luck next time.

What if that girl was the one that was going to bring you happiness and joy. You know, the one who wanted to wash your skid-mark underwear? The one who likes it when you come home REALLY late from a night with your “drinking buddies” and throw up in bed. The one who thinks it’s cute when you stare at other women? How could you avoid these types of problems?

Well, let’s start with the obvious….is that workout routine the right one for you? What if it’s not…..you just grunted at your best friend’s future sex puppet and you weren’t even doing anything good for yourself! Oh, I didn’t tell you that he started to crack jokes about your loud grunt to her, one thing leads to the next and now he is getting more exercise inside the house than outside? Yea, forgot that little tid-bit. What’s up with that! So, obviously, having the proper workout for your specific goals is VERY important. How do you know your workout is on track with your goals? Well, first of all you’ve got to have a goal. Second you’ve got to find some workout routines. Yes, I said workout routines…that’s plural. You can’t just have one workout routine from the time you’re 20 until the time you’re 80……you’ll be lifting the same weight everyday and never change a damn thing.

Let’s start with a goal. Since most guys want to get bigger, I’ll slap out a couple of simple rules for that. The simple rules are: low reps, high weights to build size. That’s great, you hear that everywhere, but what the hell does that mean? That means if you want to build the size of the muscle, you should be lifting weight that is REALLY tough that last THREE reps. Make those last three impossible. Muhammad Ali once was asked “How many sit-ups do you do in a day?” His response was “I don’t know, I only start counting when it hurts”. What he is trying to say is, you are breaking down muscle when you are feeling it. You are making progress when you can’t make any more progress! Make it hurt. Make the last three hurt. By the way, low reps means you stay in a range from 6-10. Some say never go over 8, but if you are having trouble getting to 6, and the next weight is too light, make 10 hurt.

Sweet, we have the reps down, how about the sets? How many times should you do the same exercise? Three to four sets is a good amount. I recommend doing two sets, then switching exercises to get in three-four difference exercises each workout. Hit the muscle from all different angles. Narrow, regular, wide and super-wide grips….on whatever you are doing. Find different angles for whatever you are doing.

How about the length of time in between the workouts? Well, if you’re looking to put some muscle on, you should be waiting AT LEAST 7-8 days in between workout routines for a specific body part. Some suggest even longer like 10-12 days. The reason for this is, if you are working the muscle again too soon, you will be trying to break it down when it’s trying to build back up.

What about getting lean? So you’re a bit on the chunky side. You like to roll up your hot dog with a meat-bun. You’re thinking you can’t really see Mr. Johnson all that well anymore? Well, my friend, you are at the opposite end of the spectrum, and you’re going to need to start lowering the weight, and increasing your reps. If you REALLY can’t see Mr. Johnson anymore, you’re going to have to do more than just workout. So, you still want to make those last three reps burn. Make them hurt. Make them make YOU scream for Mama. Get the pain, get the gain. Low weight, high reps, and you’ll get that definition like Brad Pitt.

How about the length of time in between workout routines to get ripped and super-fit? Every other day. Do a “whole-body” workout three days per week. You’ll be sore, on Wednesday from Monday’s workout, but you’ll be burning major calories and keeping those muscles lean and mean. No bulking here. You’ll be breaking the muscle down before it has time to build back up.

So, I know what you’re asking. “Where do I get workout routines!” Well, you go to a gym and ask all the guys with big muscles and little packages to “Give me your workout routines or the protein shake gets it!”, or, you could go to the library (I know, why the hell would you do that when you have Google and http://Digg.com?) and check out a bunch of “bodybuilding” books and articles OR you could just check out http://SUPER-FIT.COM and get an endless supply of workout routines that you can download onto your MP3 player, Ipod or Video Ipod, that way you don’t have to do any of the work, and you know that you are getting quality workout routines that are doing the job that you want them to do. Now you have time to get your own sex-puppet.
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About the Author: Dr. Parker is a surgical resident with an interest in preventative health, and fitness who has helped many of his family, friends and patients get in the best shape of their lives. For more about Workout Routines go to: Workout Routines

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=126365&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

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Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Hidden Survival Muscle In Your Body: Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Hip flexor muscles are the engine through which our body moves which control our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bed, step, walk and balance. Every movement goes through the hips. When this muscle tighten, it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people and never realize it.

Tight hip flexors cause problems such as: nagging joint pains in your hips, lower back or legs, walking difficulty, bad posture, digestive problems, trouble sleeping, circulatory issues, loss of sexual performance, lack of explosiveness in sports, compromised immune system and more.

Since everthing flows through the hips, the health and flexibility of your hip muscles are an indicator of the strength and health of our whole body. When your hip flexor muscle is healthy, then you are healthy!

Buried so deep within your abdomen, diagnosing tight hip flexors is not easy. It is why this problem left undiagnosed and untreated for far too long, as physicians look for a simpler explanation.

In order to deal with tight hip flexors, you need to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to "unpack" the muscle in the right way.

Yes you can release your tight hip flexors on your own. There are just a number of specific movements which you can use to unlock and loosen your hips, legs and back and they need to be entered in the right order.

In Unlock Your Hip Flexors eBook pdf guide, you will learn how to unlock your hip flexors on your own. You will get a practical, easy to follow program you can use to release your hip flexors instantly for more strength, better health and all day energy. Click Here to learn more.

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